Municipal campsite of Molsheim



Some answers to the most frequently asked questions concerning the organization of your stay.

The town center is 500 meters from the campsite

Yes, WiFi is free and available throughout the campsite

For hygiene reasons, the campsite no longer provides bed linen (blankets, duvets, sheets, pillows)

The campsite does not provide bath towels.

It depends on the size 4-5 2 person tents

Yes, it is possible to have a side-by-side location depending on availability

Any cancellation must be notified by mail or email, which will take effect from the date of receipt of the mail. The deposit paid on the stay is not refundable except on proof in the event of illness, hospitalization, accident or death.

Yes, visitors are allowed free of charge during the day, provided they present themselves at the reception

Arrivals are possible until 21 p.m., when the entrance gate closes

In case of late arrival please contact the reception

You have the possibility to choose a location according to availability

No, bed linen is not provided

No, there is no air conditioning in the mobile homes

The balance of your stay is to be paid at the time of your arrival

Yes pets are accepted, provided they are kept on a leash, and their vaccination record is up to date

It is forbidden to leave the animal alone in the rentals and on the pitches

Barbecues on feet are authorized (prohibition of making fire on the ground)

Arrival time: 15 p.m.

Departure time: 10 a.m.

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